Basic Bible Doctrines (2 Units)
Author: R. E. Harlow
ISBN#: 978-0-940293-06-9
Format: Paperback
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Pages: 144
With today's contemporary culture attacking the foundational truths of the Bible, Christians must remain vigilant in defending the Gospel. To effectively do this, however, Believers must be firmly rooted in God's Word. The twelve lessons of Basic Bible Doctrines provide a solid foundation from which your faith can grow. Topics of study include the Bible, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, angels, man, sin, salvation, the church, and future events.
Ed Harlow was instrumental in the founding of Emmaus Bible College and the Emmaus Correspondence School. He and his wife also served as missionaries in Africa for many years. R. E. Harlow wrote and published over sixty books in simple English for young believers in third world countries.
Chapter 1. Bibliology—The Study of the Bible
Chapter 2. Bibliology—More About the Study of the Bible
Chapter 3. Theology Proper—The Study of God
Chapter 4. Christology—The Study of Christ
Chapter 5. Christology—More About the Study of Christ
Chapter 6. Pneumatology—The Study of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 7. Angelology—The Study of Angels
Chapter 8. Anthropology—The Study of Man
Chapter 9. Hamartiology—The Study of Sin
Chapter 10. Soteriology—The Study of Salvation
Chapter 11. Ecclesiology—The Study of the Church
Chapter 12. Eschatology—The Study of Future Events
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