Take the Emmaus road to Bible knowledge!
As they walked the road to Emmaus ... Jesus Himself drew near and went with them ... He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself... their eyes were opened and they knew Him ... they said to one another, "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:13-32)
What is Emmaus Correspondence School?
"Emmaus Correspondence School" began in 1942 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to provide correspondence Bible courses to people who desired to study the Bible, but could not physically go to Bible college. God has blessed this ministry, and it has grown substantially over the years. Now operating in over 120 countries with courses translated into in 128 languages, and with more than 25 million courses distributed, we are the largest correspondence school in the world!
"Distance Learning" has a long history among Christians. The Apostle Paul used it when he wrote "courses" in the form of circular letters. His respondents studied the “course” and communicated back to him regarding issues which they did not understand. Paul then wrote another "course" (letter) to clear up the cloudy issues.
A Bible correspondence course is not a substitute for the Word of God, but rather a helpful tool that leads the student, a step at a time, into some of the great truths of scripture. Through the examination technique, it seeks a response, enabling the student to express themselves and the instructor to evaluate the student’s needs and respond in turn with appropriate counsel or instruction.