I'll Take the High Road (2 Units)
The road
to heaven begins at the cross, the place where Jesus died to bring us to
God. But as a believer, how do you measure your progress along the
Christian pathway? How do you know you're growing in your spiritual
faith? This
12-chapter course will guide you in answering these questions. First
you will review the work of Jesus Christ at the cross. Next you will
study other areas of the Christian life including assurance of
salvation, Bible study, knowing God's will, and sharing your faith. |
Chapter 1 Being Born Twice
Chapter 2 Being Sure of Heaven
Chapter 3 Keeping in Touch with God
Chapter 4 Knowing Your Enemies
Chapter 5 Submitting to the Spirit
Chapter 6 Sharing Your Faith
Chapter 7 Knowing God’s Will
Chapter 8 Coping with Problems
Chapter 9 Looking for Companionship
Chapter 10 Building the Home
Chapter 11 Exploring the Bible
Chapter 12 Enjoying the Fellowship